Bergen Boulevard House Fire
April 16, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011, 20:00 hrs, Engine 3 responded to a reported fire on Bergen Boulevard. Upon arrival at about 2:17 into this video, Engine 3 lined in from a hydrant and stretched an 1 3/4 attack line to the front portch, directed to backup Engine 2 who were advancing through the front door, firefighters were having difficulty making the hallway toward the fire in the rear of the house. Engine 3 was then advised to redirect the attack line to the exposure "C" side of the structure and made an attack on the fire from the rear porches. After knocking down the fire, Engine 3 advanced the line above the fire stopping any extension in the balloon from dwelling, then began searches on the floor above. Nobody was injured in the blaze, a family pet was rescued from the second floor by Engine Company 3.